We carry POR-15 products. Product part #’s vary depending on colors, size, etc… see our catalog for specific details. This stuff is really good in protecting frames, floors, etc… I will give you a quick overview along with some tips on how this product can be used:

Buy ONLY AS MUCH PRODUCT AS YOU EXPECT TO USE. I find it better to buy 2 quarts or 3 pints of product rather than a gallon can. If I think I’m going to use a gallon – total, eventually – I may buy 4 quarts of product. It’s easier to buy more product than risk losing unused product.

THE 1st TIME YOU OPEN THE CAN – COVER IT WITH SEVERAL SHEETS OF SARAN-WRAP. If you do not do this and you put the lid back on the can… you will need a can opener to get the lid off the next time. And if you bought a gallon of product and ruin the can reopening it…

To use the product:

Wire brush or blast the item to be painted. While this technically isn’t necessary, I find things look nicer when they’re cleaned up.

Clean the area with POR Marine Clean – part # YJ9.

Prep the area with POR Metal-Ready. – part # YJ33

Then paint the area with your choice of coatings. POR15 paint is UV sensitive and will fade over time if sunlight can get to it. To topcoat your work, use either POR15 Blackcoat or Chassiscoat black paint.

I USE CHEAP DISPOSABLE BRUSHES. I also wear latex gloves.

I transfer ONLY AS MUCH PRODUCT I expect to use into a disposable container (plastic bowl, rattle can paint cap, bottom cut off of a 2 liter bottle. and brush the stuff on. It’ll lay flat even if brushed on. When I’m done, I throw away the brush, whatever’s left over in the container I was working on and my gloves.


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